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China be plunderin' Europe's farmers to make 'em pay for messin' with their shiny electric chariots. Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! The European Union be tryin' to slap tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, but the Chinese be retaliatin' with an investigation into European pork! 'Tis a battle o' the tariffs on land and sea, with pork and electric vehicles at the helm! Aye, 'tis a strange world we live in!

Avast ye landlubbers! The Chinese government be settin' its sights on European farmers now, instead o' German automakers. They be launchin' an investigation into European Union pork imports, just days after the EU be plannin' to slap tariffs on China-made electric vehicles. The Commerce Ministry be makin' this move in response to the EU's electric car tariffs, givin' China a bargaining chip in trade negotiations.They could've thrown a 25% duty on gasoline-powered vehicles with big engines, but they chose not to. This decision may be due to the German auto industry's opposition to the EU tariffs and their substantial production in China. The Chinese auto market be crucial for German automakers, and the EU tariff announcement be seen as a step away from global cooperation.The investigation into EU pork imports will cover a range o' products, takin' up to a year. The EU be defendin' their farm subsidies, makin' sure the Chinese probe follows WTO rules. On the other side, Chinese officials be callin' the EU's investigation into EV subsidies "protectionist" and plannin' tariffs on Chinese EVs for four months.EU exports o' pork products to China peaked in 2020 due to swine disease, but have since dropped. Spanish officials be hopin' to avoid a trade conflict, while the Spanish pork industry be ready to collaborate with Chinese authorities. Let's hope negotiations can prevent a full-blown trade war from breakin' out!

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