The Booty Report

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Arrr! Harris be tired o' keepin' mum, seekin' her own sea shanty without mutinyin' against Biden. Aye!


Arrr, the second mate be showin' sympathy for them scallywags in Palestine, tryin' to make a name for herself as the captain of her crew. Aye, she be tryin' to steer the ship in a new direction, savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I tell ye a tale of the high seas and the treacherous waters of politics. The vice president, she be speakin' in a way that be different from the captain, makin' her intentions clear as the leader of their party. She be showin' concern for the Palestinian folk, changin' the course of the ship with her words.
Her words be like a sudden storm that be catchin' the crew off guard, makin' them wonder who be really in charge. The president be watchin' closely as his second-in-command be makin' her mark, showin' her strength and determination. 'Tis a risky move, but one that be gainin' her respect among the crew.
So, me hearties, keep a weather eye on the horizon as the vice president sets sail on her own course, showin' that she be no mere passenger on this ship of state. The seas be rough, but with her at the helm, the crew be knowin' that they be in good hands. Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin' for years to come!

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