The Booty Report

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Arrr, the young scallywag be sentenced for shootin' at the Chiefs' Super Bowl revelry. Walk the plank, lad!


Arrr! Ye scallywag teen who be shootin' at the Kansas City Chiefs' parade has been sent to a youth facility in Missouri. Thar be no room for cannons and pistols on landlubber streets! Let this be a lesson to all ye young sea dogs out there!

Arrr, me hearties! Multiple scallywags have been charged with murder and other crimes fer their misdeeds at the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl victory parade in February. This week, one of the young buccaneers was sent to a Missouri state Department of Youth Services facility, where he'll be learnin' the error of his ways. The lad, known only as "R.G.," claimed that the events outside Kansas City's Union Station were not a true reflection of his character, but he still admitted to unlawfully firin' a weapon at a person.The lad confessed that he got mixed up with a rowdy crew, but his mother pleaded for his release, sayin' their home wasn't the same without him. Nevertheless, the judge decided that some time in the youth facility might help him steer clear of the wrong crowd. Even though he be young, he must face the consequences of his actions and try to make amends for the harm he caused.So, like the wind in the sails of a ship, this young lad will spend a good amount of time reflectin' on his choices and tryin' to chart a new course for himself. Mayhaps he'll emerge from this ordeal a changed lad, ready to sail the seas of life with a clearer head and a better heart.

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