The Booty Report

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Arrr! Justice be making peace with them old F.B.I. scallywags Trump be tryin' to keelhaul! Har har har!


Arrr, matey! Peter Strzok, a rogue of the F.B.I. crew, and Lisa Page, a landlubber lawyer, be shoutin' foul! They claim the Trump ship breached their privacy, spillin' their scandalous missives to the crows o' the news! A right ruckus on the high seas of politics, I say!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I be tellin' ye a tale of two scallywags from the F.B.I. seas! Peter Strzok, a salty former agent, and Lisa Page, a clever lass who wore the lawyer's hat, found themselves in a tempest of trouble when the Trump crew went and spilled their secrets to the landlubber press!

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