The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Olympics be catchin' their first landlubber on the juice—an Iraqi scallywag swabbin' steroids! Avast, what a hullabaloo!


Avast, me hearties! Young Sajjad Sehen, a fine judo swashbuckler from Iraq, sailed home early from the Olympics, caught red-handed with a stash o' two naughty potions! Aye, those anabolic steroids be no treasure for the Games! Har har, now he be walkin' the plank of shame!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round for a tale of woe from the grand Olympic seas! Just 'fore the horn sounded fer the opening ceremony, a scallywag named Sajjad Sehen, the judoka from Iraq, found himself caught in a storm o' trouble. Aye, he tested positive for a couple o' nasty potions—metandienone and boldenone, or as the landlubbers call 'em, D-Bol and other sorcery. Now, instead of throwin' down in the ring, he's off to the ship, packin' his bags and hangin' his head low.

This fine lad, aged 28, was set to battle but be met with a ban quicker than a cannonball! The International Testing Agency, the watchful guardians o' Olympic honor, have put him in chains, unable to compete or even train. But fret not, for Sehen still can challenge his fate before the mighty Court of Arbitration for Sport—if he dares!

With naught but a few other mates representin' Iraq, including a sprinter and a weightlifter, Sehen's hopes of glory have sunk like a ship in a tempest. So raise a mug of rum to this tale of caution, me hearties, for the Olympics be a wild sea where the winds o' doping can blow ye off course! Arrr!

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