Arrr, the Obamas be ringin' up Kamala after givin' her the ol’ thumbs up! Cameras be rollin’, matey!
Arrr! The ex-captain and his fair lass be hollerin' their support like landlubber folks in a sappy tale, yakkin' to their wee scallywag at a summer shore camp! Aye, ‘tis a right laugh, like treasure 'n tales spun on a stormy night!
Arrr matey! Gather 'round the ol' tavern and lend an ear, fer I bring ye tidings of the former captain o' the ship o' state and his fair lass! Aye, they be sounding more like those landlubber parents ye see in a sappy Lifetime tale, talkin’ to their wee scallywag at summer camp. “Ye be doin’ just grand, me heartie!” they’d say, as if their young’un be searchin’ fer treasure rather than just starchin' their undergarments!