The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Rodarius Thomas, the gridiron scallywag, be locked up tight, no doubloons for bail after a family fracas!


Arrr, matey! In the foul hours of the morn, the Athens-Clarke County constables snatched up Georgia Bulldogs' fearsome wide receiver, Rodarius Thomas, for a heap o' family ruckus! Seems even the fiercest sea dogs can’t escape the tempest of home, aye! Savvy?

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of one Rodarius "Rara" Thomas, a wide receiver fer the grand Georgia Bulldogs, who be sailing into troubled waters! 'Tis true, at the break of dawn on a Friday morn, our lad found himself clapped in irons and tossed into the clink, charged with cruelty to wee ones and battery, I tell ye! Aye, he be held without a bail to set him free, so he’ll be missin' from the team fer a spell.

This scallywag ain't new to the gallows, not by a long shot! Nay, 'tis his second brush with the law in just 18 moons! Back in January, he tangled with the law over false imprisonment and family violence, yet slipped through the net when those charges were dropped—by enterin’ a pretrial diversion program. A slippery fish, indeed!

Now, the head honcho of the Bulldogs, Coach Kirby Smart, be tryin' to keep his crew in line, but alas, the seas of discipline be rocky, with 24 driving violations amongst his crew, includin’ a tragic crash that took two lives. So, let us raise a tankard to Rara, as he navigates the stormy seas of his consequences, and may he find fair winds ahead! Arrr!

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