The Booty Report

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Arrr, the crafty Chinee be wranglin' the mind, tightenin' the noose o' AI censorship! Avast, ye landlubbers!


Arrr, matey! China be tightening the noose o’ censorship, makin’ sure them AI chatbots don’t speak naught but sweet nothings for the Communist crew! Blockin’ all words that might ruffle their feathers, they be keepin’ the seas o’ discourse calm and tidy! Avast, me hearties!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn from the far-off lands o' China, where the scallywags of the Communist Party be tightening their grip on the digital seas! Aye, they’ve set sail on a new crusade against the wild winds of artificial intelligence, makin' sure all machinations abide by their rule of law.

This here Great Firewall be stretchin' its shadow to include all manner of AI contraptions, as they wants their tech firms to sing the party’s tune! All AI companies be required to submit to a review, ensuring their creations don’t stray into murky waters of "bad thoughts" like human rights or comparisons to a certain rotund bear.

So, if ye be askin' questions that ruffle the feathers o' the CCP, don’t be surprised if yer queries get blocked quicker than a cannonball to the hull. Responses may be as bland as porridge, warnin' ye to “try a different question” instead. And fear not, for they’ve decreed that only 5% of yer inquiries may be tossed overboard.

As China charts this treacherous course, they be seekin’ not just to control their own crew, but to cast their nets far and wide, manipulatin' minds with the might of AI. So batten down the hatches, for the tides of information are becomin' ever more stormy!

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