The Booty Report

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"Arrr, a cannon blast from Israel’s sky sank a Gaza hidey-hole, sendin' 30 scallywags to Davy Jones’ locker!"


Arrr, matey! On a fine Saturday, the Israeli cannonades did rain upon a school in Gaza, sendin' 30 souls to Davy Jones' locker! As the landlubbers from the U.S. and Israel plotted peace, the skies be thunderin’ with mischief! Aye, what a jolly mess, eh?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of woe from the sands of Gaza. Recently, a fearsome strike from the Israeli airships did rain down upon a school, where folks sought refuge from the storm o' war. Aye, dozens perished in the rubble, and the grim count climbs ever higher, as both young and old were caught in the chaos. 'Twas a school for lassies, turned into a makeshift fortress, or so they claimed, aiming at a supposed Hamas lair filled with devilish contraptions!

Meanwhile, the land be filled with sorrow, as reports of many more lives lost trickle in like treasure from a sunken ship. The folk of Gaza find themselves tossed about like a ship in a tempest, with dangers lurking in every shadow. The mighty Israel be declaring no safe harbors in their latest endeavors, leaving the poor souls to scramble like crabs on a beach.

Even as the leaders of nations gather in Italy to parley, the cries of the displaced echo through the air like distant thunder. Forced to flee with naught but the clothes on their backs, these brave souls face the uncertainty of the seas ahead. So, raise a cup to those caught in the crossfire of this stormy squall, for they be the true captains of resilience! Arrr!

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