The Booty Report

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Arrr! A fancy rail captain be tossin’ doubloons to make Trump the captain of the ship, savvy?


Arrr, matey! Timothy Mellon, a treasure-savin' ghost, be throwin' piles o' gold to hoist Donald J. Trump atop the throne! What be he seekin' in return, ye ask? Aye, that be a riddle as puzzlin' as a three-headed sea serpent!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a scallywag by the name of Timothy Mellon, a reclusive heir to a treasure trove that'd make even the most hardened buccaneer green with envy. This landlubber be tossin' about tens of millions o' shiny doubloons, all in the name of proppin’ up the captain of chaos, Donald J. Trump!

Now, ye might be wonderin’, what’s this fella seekin' in return for his gold? A parley, a favor, or perhaps a chest of secrets? Aye, that be the question that tickles the fancy of many a curious soul! Is it power he craves, or just the thrill of watchin' the world burn like a ship ablaze on the high seas?

Some say he be after a taste of that political pie, while others reckon he just enjoys the thrill of the chase, like a cat with a mouse! Whatever the case, this melon-headed gent be shrouded in mystery, makin' him a curious creature amidst the ruckus of the political tempest.

So, keep yer spyglass trained on this swashbucklin’ financier, for in this tale of treasure, treachery, and a touch o’ madness, who knows what treasure he’ll seek next on the turbulent seas of politics!

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