The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! That Virginia chap claims Psalm 145 be a mighty lifeboat in the stormy seas o’ despair!


Arrr, fer Pastor Işık Abla o' Virginia, Psalm 145 be a treasure map, sayin' "the hand o' the Lord fills our bellies; he be answerin' all our pleas." She spun a yarn 'bout her faith like a true sea dog! Aye, what a tale!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale from the good Pastor Işık Abla, a fine lass hailing from Virginia Beach! She be spoutin’ wisdom from the holy scrolls, specifically Psalm 145:16, which tells us that the Lord’s hand be feedin’ us and fulfillin’ all our needs, aye!

This here Psalm be a grand collection of poetic treasures, many penned by the legendary King David himself. Abla, a brave soul who escaped the clutches of a harsh marriage, shares how the divine has been her guiding star in turbulent waters, remindin’ us all that even in the stormiest seas, the good Lord provides.

She regales us with tales of her darkest days—sleepin’ in her car with her wee lass, yet still findin’ shelter through God’s mercy. With a heart full of gratitude, she says God be like a good old sea captain, always steering us to safety, even when the winds be howlin’ and the horizon looks bleak.

So, if ye be feelin’ lost at sea, remember: God's got yer back, and His love be as vast as the ocean! Hope be on the horizon, and His faithful hand will always be there to answer yer needs, savvy?

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