The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye old bones in Jerusalem be diggin’ up walls from King David's pub crawl! Spy the pics, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! In the grand treasure hunt at the City of David, we be diggin’ up the past like a bunch o' scallywags, lookin' to unfurl the tales of old and the holy scrolls of yore! Aye, it's history plunderin’ at its finest!

Arrr! Ye old bones in Jerusalem be diggin’ up walls from King David's pub crawl! Spy the pics, matey!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale from the ancient City of David, where land-lovin' archaeologists be unearthing great fortifications that once kept the scallywags at bay! Aye, in the heart of Jerusalem, massive walls and a mighty moat have been found, stirrin' up a ruckus 'mongst the learned folk. Prof. Yuval Gadot, the captain of this dig, be sayin' it’s a grand find, giving a rethink to biblical tales of the city’s topography, like the famous Ophel and Millo.

Dr. Yiftach Shalev, another brave soul on the excavation crew, claims these defenses were built in the days of the First Temple, protectin’ the lower city from invadin’ baddies! With treasure-seekers dedicatin' their time and gold to uncover this ancient lore, they be findin’ that the City of David is the very heart where King David once ruled the waves and united the land!

The moat be a puzzlin' feature, dug thousands of moons ago, perhaps to guard against foes from the north! With rock walls so steep ye can’t climb, these clever builders surely knew how to keep their land safe from plunderin’ pirates like meself. So hoist the sails and raise a tankard, for the secrets of Jerusalem be comin’ to light, and we’ll be hearin’ more of 'em soon at the Jerusalem Studies Experience Conference! Arrr!

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