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French landlubbers be scratchin' their noggins, wonderin', "What be this curious freakshow at the Paris Olympics?" Arrr!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers o' France be chattin' like a storm 'bout the Paris Olympic shindig! But lo and behold, not all be cheerin'—some be spittin' fire like a cannonball! Aye, it be a right ruckus on the high seas o' social media!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of the Parisian Olympic Games' grand opening, where the Seine flowed like rum and the spectacle was as peculiar as a three-legged parrot! The French folk be a-tossin' their hats in the air, though some be catchin' 'em in disgust!

Picture this: a flotilla of boats, each laden with performers, including the likes of the famed songstress, Céline Dion! But lo! What be this curious reenactment of the Last Supper, featuring drag queens and a rather scandalous scene of a ménage à trois? Even Da Vinci would be scratchin' his head from the depths of Davy Jones' locker!

The French Bishops be speakin' out against the mockery of their holy scenes, callin' upon Christians worldwide to stand strong against such jests. Meanwhile, President Macron, bless his soul, be sayin', “We did it!” as if celebratin' a victory over a rival ship!

But alas, not all hearts be merry! Some French scallywags be tweetin’ their apologies to the world for the “freakshow,” claimin' it to be the work o' the whimsical elite. Aye, even a family be reactin’ with screams of horror at the Last Supper extravaganza! So there ye have it, a raucous start to the games, where the laughter be mingled with a touch o' shame! Arrr!

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