The Booty Report

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Arrr! Buccaneers parleyin’ to free the landlubbers and call a truce ‘mongst the cannon fire in Gaza!


Arrr, the parley in Rome be all at sea, me hearties! They be bickerin’ ’bout how far them Israeli scallywags ought to skedaddle from Gaza, where a whole gaggle o’ landlubbers had to abandon ship this Sunday, by orders of the captain. Blimey, what a hullabaloo!

Avast ye landlubbers, gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the high seas of diplomacy, takin' place in the fair city of Rome! Aye, the talks be stuck tighter than a bilge rat in a barrel o’ rum, all ‘cause of some pesky squabbles ‘bout them Israeli troops and their retreatin’ from the sandy shores of Gaza!

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