The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Ahoy! The Yanks 'n' Nippon be sharin' cannonballs 'n' rum to fortify their sea-farin' might, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! The two landlubber governments be sayin’ their actions be a jolly retort to China’s bulgin’ warship muscles, makin’ them governors fret like a parrot with a toothache! Yarr, keep yer cutlasses sharp and yer wits sharper, or we be sailin’ into stormy seas!

Arrr, mateys! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale o’ two mighty nations who be shakin’ in their boots! Aye, the scallywags in charge be callin’ it a grand response to the Chinese dragon breathin' fire and stockin' up on cannons and swords quicker than a parrot can squawk! Aye, the seas be churnin' with worries, as them leaders be eyein’ the horizon with a squinty glare, wonderin’ what mischief that behemoth in the East be up to!

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