The Booty Report

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"Blimey! The scallywag at the Trump shindig be outsmartin’ the Secret Service like a crafty sea rat!"


Arrr, matey! ‘Tis been scuttled that some landlubber lawmen had their eyes on ol' Thomas Crooks long afore we thought! Aye, and he be knowin’ they were lurkin’ too! A fine game of cat 'n' mouse, it be! Avast, what a jolly ruckus!

Ahoy, ye landlubbers! Gather 'round for a tale of mischief upon the high seas of legal shenanigans, where the sails of secrecy be unfurled! The Times, that crafty seafarer of news, has uncovered a treasure trove of text messages revealing that some scallywags in law enforcement had their eyes on the infamous Thomas Crooks long before the sun set upon the day of reckoning!

Aye, it appears that Crooks, that slippery eel of a rogue, was not just twiddlin' his thumbs whilst the law was hot on his trail. Nay, he knew well that the lawmen were lurkin' in the shadows, peering through their spyglasses at his misdeeds! As the tide of information rises, we find ourselves in a jolly good pickle, for the more we know, the more we chuckle at the folly of men who thought they could keep secrets hidden like buried treasure.

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