The Booty Report

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Arrr, echoes of that Roe v. Wade, givin' Trump a free pass like findin' treasure in a stormy sea!


Arrr, matey! Critics be squawkin' like parched gulls, claimin' the court's immunity ruling be as crooked as a three-legged crab! They say it be sailin' on the same treacherous waters that sunk Roe's ship—what once granted fair ladies the right to choose! Aye, the seas be rough, indeed!

Arrr, echoes of that Roe v. Wade, givin' Trump a free pass like findin' treasure in a stormy sea!

Arrr, ye scallywags of the legal seas! It be said by the landlubbers of critiquin' that the latest ruling on immunity be as full o’ holes as a leaky ship, aye! They be likin’ it to the wind that blew through the sails when Roe’s anchor be lifted, givin’ yer good lady abortion the ol’ heave-ho. Har har!

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