The Booty Report

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Arrr, Kamala be settin’ sail with two scallywag schemes t’ sink the good ship US economy! Ha-ha!


Arrr, matey! Kamala Harris be settin' sail to be the first dem’cratic socialist captain o' the ship o' state! But beware! Her treasure maps lead to spendin' billions 'n trillions, sinkin' the good ol' US economy faster than a ship caught in a squall!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about Vice President Kamala Harris, who be inchin' ever closer to the captain's chair of this here ship called the United States. If she succeeds, the seas will be chokin' with socialism, and the treasure chests of liberty be sinkin' to the depths! Aye, the Biden-Harris crew be navigatin' this vessel right into a storm of debt and inflation, makin' even the most hardened sailors weep for their gold doubloons!

Yarr, in truth, Biden be a progressive seadog, but Harris be sailin' even further left, a tempest ready to unleash a Green New Deal on us poor souls! This plan be a shipwreck waiting to happen, callin' for the end o' gasoline-powered ships and the like, all while demandin' trillions for fancy new contraptions. It be said that if her ideas take the helm, we’d be sailin’ into an economic maelstrom of epic proportions!

And let’s not forget her Medicare for All scheme, matey! It be soundin' like a fine treasure, but beware! It’d force many a landlubber into a government-run galley, makin' health care scarce and costly. So, hoist yer flags and beware the socialist storm that be brewin' if Harris takes the helm—ye might find yerselves marooned on the shores of despair!

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