The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! A duel o' blades be brewin', showin' them scallywags' grudge at the Olympics, matey!"


Arrr, matey! The tempest o' war be splittin’ old crews and stirrin’ up a right ruckus! A feisty Ukrainian swashbuckler be duelin’ in the ring after snubbing a Russian scallywag’s handshake, landin’ her in Davy Jones’ locker o' competition! What a hullabaloo on the high seas o’ sport!

"Arrr! A duel o' blades be brewin', showin' them scallywags' grudge at the Olympics, matey!"

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale from the choppy seas of war and sport that’ll tickle yer funny bones! A mighty ruckus has erupted, shatterin’ bonds that once held firm like a barnacle to a ship’s hull. In this tempestuous time, our lass from Ukraine, a fencer of great renown, finds herself in a bit o’ a pickle!

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