The Booty Report

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Arrr! A scallywag be spillin' the beans 'bout Harris' yer record, after a savage 2008 swashbucklin' migrant raid!


Arrr, me hearties! A landlubber from California, once a target o' a scallywag's brutal deed in 2008, be settin' sail to jabber about Vice President Kamala Harris' time as the law’s own buccaneer. Aye, the seas be stormy, and so be her record!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round for a tale of a lass from the sunny shores of California, named Amanda Kiefer! In the year of our Lord, 2008, she found herself a victim o' a ruffian named Alexander Izaguirre, a scallywag who snatched her purse and nearly turned her into chum with his devilish SUV, crackin’ her skull like a coconut!

This scoundrel, Izaguirre, was a landlubber in the country without permission, and had previously faced the law for his misdeeds but was let loose thanks to a program set sail by none other than Vice President Kamala Harris! Aye, back when she was the head of San Francisco's ship, she thought it wise to offer a way for non-violent offenders to escape the brig and instead train for honest work. A fine notion, but alas, it left Amanda in tatters!

Now a seasoned lass of 45, Kiefer be speakin’ out, callin’ it a wake-up call! Aye, she’s swabbin’ the decks of her political views, sayin’ she’s turned from her liberal sails to embrace the likes of Trump, after seein’ the chaos from Harris’s hand. So, raise a mug to Kiefer and her tale, for it be a reminder that not all treasure glitters, and sometimes, ye find a storm where ye least expect it!

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