The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, matey! A band of scallywags went stabbin' at a Taylor Swift shindig—shocking as a kraken in me grog!


Avast, me hearties! In Southport, just north o' Liverpool, a wild stabbing spree has left eight landlubbers wounded! Fear not, for the scallywag behind this ruckus be in the clutches of the Merseyside constables. A fine mess, I say! Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! A tale of woe befallin’ the fair shores of the United Kingdom, where a scallywag of just 17 summers turned into a right villain, stabbin’ eight poor souls in a fit of madness! The local authorities, swift as a ship in a tempest, seized the lad and his shiv. The whole ruckus broke out 'round the hour of eleven bells, whilst young lasses were dancin’ and doin’ yoga to the tunes of that songstress, Taylor Swift!

Now, the North West Ambulance Service be workin’ harder than a crew on a treasure hunt, ferryin’ the wounded to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, which be busier than a tavern on a Friday night! A local matron, bless her heart, witnessed the horrors, describin’ a scene so gruesome it could chill the bones of the fiercest pirate. Bodies covered in blood, cries echoing like a banshee's wail, all amidst the confusion.

Fear not, for the Merseyside Police have assured the public that the dastardly deed be contained and not part of some grander plot from the seas. The Prime Minister himself called this horrendous act "deeply shocking," and aye, we be hopin’ for fair winds and calm seas as the investigation sails forth. Yarrr, let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags! Violence brings naught but grief!

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