The Booty Report

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"Arrr! El Chapo’s lad snatched El Mayo and hoisted him to the U.S. for a jolly good time, say the officials!"


Arrr, matey! They be sayin’ that young Joaquín, the scallywag son of El Chapo, had ol' Ismael Zambada tied to a ship's mast and boarded him on a Texas-bound galleon! Now these two buccaneers be sittin’ in the brig, caught like fish in a barrel! Har har!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round for a tale of treachery and high-flying mischief upon the skies o’ Texas! It be said that Joaquín Guzmán López, the scallywag offspring of the notorious El Chapo, be pullin’ a dastardly caper! With the cunning of a fox and the swagger of a landlubber, he seized Ismael Zambada García, a fellow rogue of the Sinaloa cartel, and forced him aboard a vessel o’ the air, bound fer the Lone Star State!

Aye, the winds of fortune bloweth not in their favor, fer just last week, these two ne’er-do-wells found themselves in the clutches of the law! The officials of the U.S. be sayin’ that there be no treasure in mischief, and these buccaneers be taken into custody faster than ye can say “Shiver me timbers!”

So here we be, with a tale of pirates not of the sea, but of the skies, where the only booty to be had be a nasty stretch in the brig! Aye, mayhaps they thought they could sail away wi’ their ill-gotten gains, but it seems the winds of justice had a different course in mind! So hoist the anchor and batten down the hatches, fer this be a reminder that crime don’t pay, especially when ye be flyin’ too close to the sun!

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