The Booty Report

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Arrr, North Korean mates be seekin' potions for their captain's belly woes, say the scallywags in Seoul!


Arrr, me hearties! Word be blowin' in from the South Seas that the mighty Captain Kim, strugglin' with his ship's ballast o' high blood pressure and the sugar-sweet curse o' diabetes, be seekin' foreign remedies! Aye, even pirates need their potions, savvy?

Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn o’ the chubby ruler from the land of North Korea, Captain Kim Jong-un, who be sportin’ a belly as grand as the Seven Seas! It seems this scallywag has ballooned back to his hefty 308 pounds, sufferin’ from the likes of high blood pressure and diabetes—aye, a perilous fate for any pirate or king! His crew be scurrying about, seekin’ foreign potions to cure his ailments, for the lad has a lineage steeped in heart troubles.

Once upon a time in 2021, this jolly captain trimmed his sails and lost a fair amount of weight, but alas, that was like a ship lost at sea—gone with the wind! Now, he be puffin' like a cannon after a night of rum and revelry. Word is, he’s got a wee lass, Kim Ju Ae, who’s been raisin’ her sails to take over the ship someday, though she be only ten summers old! She’s been accompanyin’ her old man to many a military shindig, makin’ her mark like a true buccaneer-in-training.

So here we be, keepin’ watch o’er the chubby captain and his miniature matey, hopin’ they don’t sink the ship with their high seas shenanigans! Arrr!

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