"Alas, the wild steed met a grim fate, squashed by a landlubber’s contraption! Aye, what a blunder!"
Ahoy, matey! Meet Bullwinkle, a ten-year-old steed o' the rare Banker breed! Only 200 of his kind be wanderin' the Outer Banks, descendin' from them fancy Spanish horses. Aye, he be more noble than a parrot in a treasure chest, arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the tale of a magnificent beast o’ burden known as Bullwinkle, a stallion of ten fine years! Aye, this noble steed be one o’ the rarest creatures to roam the sandy shores o’ the Outer Banks in North Carolina, for he be one o’ but 200 prized Banker horses—an illustrious breed, indeed!
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