The Booty Report

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Arrr, Biden be swingin' his cutlass at the Court, tryin' to hoist the Jolly Roger o' votes!


Arrr, much like a scallywag’s foolhardy treasure map, President Biden’s three-point scheme to swab the Supreme Court be a jolly heap o’ unconstitutional nonsense! Aye, it be as useful as a ship with no sails, ready to sink into Davy Jones’ locker!

Ahoy mateys! It be yet another round o' the ol' sea dog, Joe Biden, raisin' the sails on his ship of political trickery, seekin' to stir up votes by takin' a jab at those fine justices sittin' atop our nation's Supreme Court. With an election on the horizon, this landlubber's found his trusty, yet tiresome, old map leadin' to the treacherous waters of judicial "reform." Aye, he calls the court's decisions extreme, though many be unanimous, and the claims be naught but a tempest in a teapot!

His first mate, Kamala Harris, be in full agreeance, spoutin' tales of a "crisis of confidence," yet, lo and behold, the folks be favorin' the high court more than they do the captain himself! Biden's grand plans to shack up the justices with term limits be as feasible as catchin' the wind in a net. Amendin' the Constitution is a tall order, akin to findin' buried treasure without a map!

To top it all off, our ol' captain proposes to lay ethical chains on the justices, which stirs the pot of separation o' powers. So, here we be, watchin' a bumblin' president tryin' to rewrite the rules of the high seas with a wink and a nod. The last feller who tried to pack the court met with a stormy backlash—poor ol' FDR learned that lesson the hard way. Yarrr, Biden ain't no Roosevelt, and his plans be but hot air!

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