The Booty Report

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At the ripe age of 17, she’s already plundered the seven seas of swimmin’ glory, matey! Arrr!


Arrr, whilst the landlubbers be oohing over the Paris games, young Maya Merhige be makin' waves! A high school lass swam from England to France, claimin' the triple crown in open-water swimmin'! Methinks she be the true mermaid of the seas, makin' a splash while we be landlocked!

Arrr mateys! While the landlubbers be frolickin' over the Paris Olympics, a bold lass by the name of Maya Merhige pranced her way from the shores of England to France, swimmin’ like a fish possessed! This fine young wench, a high school senior, be not just dabblin’ in the briny deep but conquerin’ the mighty waters to complete her triple crown in open-water swimmin’!

Yarrr, ye heard that right! While most scallywags be sittin’ on their backsides, cheerin’ for athletes tossin’ balls about, Maya be plowin’ through the waves, lettin’ nary a sea monster or rogue wave stand in her way. She swam like Neptune himself was chasin’ her, leavin’ a wake of jellyfish quakin’ in their tentacles!

With the spirit of a true pirate, she took to the open sea, no map needed, navigatin’ with naught but grit and a fierce determination. Why, ye could say she’s the queen of the high seas, raisin’ the Jolly Roger over the waters of France, havin’ a grand ol’ time where others would’ve turned tail! So, while ye be watchin’ those fancy Olympic games, raise a tankard for Maya, the true treasure of the brine! Arrr!

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