The Booty Report

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Arrr, Biden be wantin' to shake up the high seas o' SCOTUS, but experts say it’s naught but a mirage!


Arrr, matey! President Biden be settin’ sail to overhaul the high court, sayin’ term limits and ethics be needed! Legal seafarers be spoutin’ it’s a troublesome tide he’s chartin’. Avast, who knew politics be as murky as Davy Jones' locker!

Avast ye scallywags! It be not just the winds of the sea that blow with fury, but also the tempests brewin' in the halls of power! Our brave President Biden be callin' fer a swashbucklin' overhaul of the Supreme Court, claimin' that “extremism be underminin' the public's trust.” Aye, he be wantin' term limits and ethics for the justices, hopin' to tame the wild seas of presidential power! Arrr!

Democrats be likin' to shake the riggin’ when the tide turns against ‘em. Not long ago, they were rallyin' to abolish the electoral college like a ship lost at sea. And now, ol’ Biden, with just a handful of days left in his voyage, be stirrin' up the waters again, catchin' the ire of many a legal expert who be sayin' such changes be nothin' but a pipe dream, require’n a constitutional amendment be made! Yarr!

But beware, mateys! This be all a grand scheme to rally the crew, throwin' around talk of “court reforms” whilst lookin’ to disband a co-equal branch of government! As the winds of political strife blow ever harder, we see a treasure trove of irony as the Democrats decry censorship, yet have a blind eye fer their own misdeeds. Yarrr, what a tale of political piratin’ we have here!

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