The Booty Report

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Arrr! Harris claims Israel be justified in battlin', while scallywags in Iran, Russia, and Lebanon be shoutin' foul!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers o' Lebanon and their stout allies, Iran and Russia, be raisin' a ruckus 'bout the scallywag attack! They promise to haul their woes to the U.N., claimin' it be a right nasty breach of the high seas o' international law! Avast, what a hullabaloo!

Arrr, me hearties! In the tempestuous waters o’ the Middle East, a recent strike by the Israeli scallywags upon Hezbollah has stirred a right ruckus! Lebanon's allies be fuming, and their foreign minister be callin’ for an international fleet to respond to this bold raid. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris, bless her compass, proclaimed Israel’s right to defend its treasure, even claimin’ Hezbollah be a band o’ scallywags. Yet, she be callin’ fer peaceful parley too, as the storm brews overhead.

The Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF for short, be claimin’ they’ve put an end to Fuad Shukr, the villain behind a heinous act that left many wee ones in sorrow. This Shukr be a notorious rogue, with a bounty fit for a pirate’s reward—$5 million from the Yanks for his dastardly deeds. The strike has sent waves through the seas, with Lebanon’s foreign minister preparin’ to file a complaint with the UN like a proper sailor takin’ his grievances to the admiral.

Even Iran’s crew be joinin’ the chorus of condemnation, warnin’ that the tides be risin’ and the seas of conflict may swell. Russia, ever the watchful eye, be callin’ this strike a violation of the law of the seas! So, buckle yer swash, for the winds o’ change be blowin’ fierce in this here region!

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