The Booty Report

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Arrr, the IDF be hittin' Beirut to teach a scallywag a lesson 'bout messin' with wee mateys' soccer games!


Arrr, the Israel Defense Forces be settin' their cannons on Beirut, aim’n at the scallywag commanding Hezbollah who done ruckus at the wee ones’ footie pitch in Golan Heights! A right merry venture to give that knave a proper swashbucklin’ surprise, matey!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of high seas conflict, where cannons roar and tempers flare! The Israel Defense Forces be raisin’ the black flag, causin’ a ruckus in Beirut, takin’ aim at a scallywag commander blamed for a dastardly attack on wee lads playin’ footy!On the treacherous waters of X, the IDF proclaimed a strategic strike, claimin’ it was in vengeance fer the young hearts lost in Majdal Shams, where a rocket attack turned the village into a scene of woe! Yoav Gallant, Israel’s Minister of Defense, declared that Hezbollah be crossin’ a line thicker than shark-infested waters!But lo and behold, the treacherous Hezbollah be denyin’ their involvement, claimin’ innocence like a parrot caught with a cracker! The IDF be sendin’ a message, hopin’ to keep the seas calm, but tensions be risin’ like a stormy gale!With drones and rockets, they struck near the Shura Council, causin’ quite a ruckus! Reports say half a buildin’ be down, and the streets be strewn with debris, makin’ it tougher than findin’ buried treasure! The State Department be holdin’ their tongues, warnin’ sailors to steer clear of Lebanon, for the waters be gettin’ rough, and the horizon be dark with the threat of war!

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