The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Haniyeh's passing be a tempest, but Hamas won't sink, savvy? Just a bit o' wobble, matey!"


Arrr, matey! Hamas be in a right tizzy to find a new captain now that Ismael Haniyeh be fish food in Tehran! But fear not, savvy sailors, for they’ve swabbed the deck before, bouncin' back from past scallywag slayings like true sea dogs!

Arrr matey! Word be floatin' through the briny deep that Ismael Haniyeh, the captain of Hamas’s ship, has met his untimely end in the treacherous waters of Tehran. Aye, the analysts be sayin’ that this be a right troublesome time for the scallywags of Hamas as they scramble to find a new leader to hoist the flag o’ rebellion. But fear not, for these buccaneers be known to weather many a storm, havin’ bounced back from the loss of their past sea dogs with flair and cunning.

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