The Booty Report

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Arrr! As them Republicans be takin' aim at ol' Harris 'bout immigration, let’s see what her treasure map reveals!


Arrr, the Republicans be pointin' their bony fingers at Vice President Kamala Harris, claimin' she’s the reason for the flood o' scallywags seekin' refuge in the Americas! But lo and behold, a closer look reveals a tale more tangled than a ship’s riggin’!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the fine Vice President Kamala Harris. The scallywags of the Republican crew be accusin’ her of lettin’ a veritable tide of migrants wash ashore in the good ol’ U.S. of A. Seems they be thinkin’ she’s the captain of this unruly ship of souls sailin’ across the seas!

But lo and behold, a closer look reveals a tale more tangled than a ship’s anchor. Ye see, Kamala ain’t just sittin’ on her treasure chest, but rather, she’s been workin’ the ropes behind the scenes, tryin’ to mend the sails and navigate the choppy waters of immigration. The lass has been chasin' down the root of the matter, dealin' with the squalls in Central America, and tryin’ to set the course for calmer seas.

So, before ye hoist yer flags and blame her for this influx, remember that a ship’s journey be the result of many a factor! Nay, she be not the sole captain of this migrant fleet, but rather a crew member tryin’ to steer the ship through turbulent waters. Savvy? So, raise yer tankards and toast to the complex seas of politics, where blame be a slippery fish indeed!

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