The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Elon Musk be throwin’ cannonball jests at Maduro, sparkin’ a merry squabble o’ words on the high seas!"


Arrr, matey! Cap'n Musk, who be takin’ jabs at them scurvy left-wing landlubbers, be callin’ President Maduro a “dictator” and likenin’ him to a stubborn jackass! Aye, 'tis a fine jest for a rogue of the high seas!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of the infamous Mr. Musk, a scallywag known for his sharp tongue and witty jests. This landlubber, who be fancyin' himself a captain of industry, be havin' a grand ol' time chasin' the leftist winds o' politics.

In a recent bout o' verbal swordplay, our dear Mr. Musk set his sights on none other than the notorious President Nicolás Maduro, a man so dictatorial that even the fiercest of sea serpents would shy away. With a flick o' his quill, Musk declared Maduro a “dictator,” comparin' him to a donkey—aye, ye heard it right! A donkey! One can only imagine the poor beast, brayin’ in protest, as it be dragged into the political fray.

With a laugh that’d make the fiercest pirates blush, Musk be hurlin' insults sharper than a cutlass, likenin' the Venezuelan leader to a stubborn mule, entrenched in his own muck. The crew be wonderin’ if Musk be seekin' to lead a rebellion on the high seas of politics! So raise yer tankards and toast to the absurdity of our times, for in this grand world o' buccaneer banter, every insult be a treasure, and every jibe be a jolly good time!

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