The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Adam Driver be takin' to the stage, singin' country tunes like a scallywag in a landlubber's dream!"


Arrr, matey! This scallywag of an actor be settin' sail back to the stage this fall, breathin' life into Kenneth Lonergan’s merry tale, “Hold On to Me Darling.” So grab yer rum and prepare for a jolly good show, lest ye be walkin’ the plank of boredom!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I’ve got news that’ll shiver yer timbers! Our beloved thespian, a true gem of the high seas of entertainment, be makin' a grand return to the stage this fall! Aye, that’s right! He be dustin’ off his boots and donning the garb of old once more!

He'll be settin' foot upon the boards in a revival of the illustrious Kenneth Lonergan’s tale, “Hold On to Me Darling.” Aye, the very same yarn that’s tickled the fancies of landlubbers and scallywags alike! Word on the dock be that this fine piece be a tempest of emotions, where love and loss clash like cannons in a mighty storm.

Crowds will gather, hootin’ and hollerin’, as our dashing actor brings life to characters that dance like the waves in a gale! So hoist the flags and raise a mug o’ grog, fer it shall be a spectacle worth more than a chest o' doubloons! Mark yer calendars, ye salty dogs, and prepare to feast yer eyes on a show that promises a hearty dose of laughter and maybe a tear or two, as ye hold onto yer hats and, indeed, to each other!

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