The Booty Report

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Arrr! Aye, 'twas a sneaky game o' cat 'n' mouse to trade treasure for the WSJ scribe from Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr mateys! After 16 moons trapped in a Russian brig, Evan Gershkovich be freed on the morrow in a grand ol’ prisoner trade, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the days of yore! 'Twas a clever trick by Captain Biden and his merry crew!

Ahoy, ye scallywags! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of daring deeds and mighty swaps on the high seas of diplomacy! After bein’ locked in a Russian brig fer 16 moons, Evan Gershkovich set sail to freedom this past Thursday in the grandest prisoner swap since the days of olde—the Cold War, to be precise! This caper was masterfully orchestrated by none other than President Biden himself.

Just weeks prior, ol’ Joe dropped the anchor on his presidential race, tossin’ his hat in fer Vice President Kamala Harris. But not before he rang up his matey in Slovenia, arrangin’ a grand exchange of prisoners! They swappin’ Gershkovich, brave Paul Whelan, and others fer Putin’s notorious hitman, Vadim Krasikov, known fer his dastardly deeds in Germany!

Now, ye might wonder why this Krasikov lad was so prized by the Russian crew. Turns out, he’s a right bad egg, a paid assassin with ties to the FSB! Biden had to charm the German Chancellor, and the Turks played a part too! With allies rallyin’ together, they pulled off a feat of diplomacy that’d make Jack Sparrow proud!

Sure, it be a tricky balance, weighin’ the cost of lettin’ a villain go to save innocent souls, but sometimes ye must sail into stormy waters to bring yer crew home! Yarrr, diplomacy be a treacherous sea, but it’s worth it when ye bring the lads back to port!

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