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Arrr! WSJ scallywag Evan be beggin’ fer a chinwag with Putin once he’s outta the brig, savvy?


Arrr, matey! Wall Street Journal's own scallywag Evan Gershkovich be beggin' the fearsome Putin to parley after bein' set free! Aye, that be a bold move, like askin' a kraken to share a pint, savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer a tale from the high seas of news! Our brave matey, Evan Gershkovich, a scribbler from the Wall Street Journal, found himself locked up in the icy clutches of Mother Russia fer over a year and a day. But lo! Upon his release in a grand prisoner swap, he be makin' a bold request o' the fearsome czar himself, Vladimir Putin! Aye, he fancied a chat with the man after breakin’ free from the clink!

While fillin' out some official parchment, he cheekily jotted down, "Say, good sir Putin, how 'bout an interview after I be free?" The gall! After bein' tossed in the brig on trumped-up charges o' espionage, which the Biden crew termed as nonsense, this lad still be lookin' to wrangle a story from the top dog!

After a long and torturous time in a high-security dungeon, where he was sentenced to a hefty 16-year sentence, the winds o' fortune shifted. With a swap of prisoners, four brave souls, includin' our brave reporter and another Paul Whelan, sailed back to freedom. President Biden, bless his heart, declared their return a true victory of diplomacy. So raise a glass, me mates, for the tale o' courage and the quest for a good yarn amidst stormy seas!

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