The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Hamas chief be weepin’ in Qatar, while the whole Mid-seas be shakin’ like a ship in a storm!"


Arrr, mates! A gaggle of landlubbers be gatherin’ to mourn Ismail Haniyeh, the unlucky captain of Hamas, who met Davy Jones early! Ol’ President Biden be frettin’ like a cat in a storm, demandin’ Israel to strike a truce, lest the seas run red with more trouble!

Arrr, mateys! Gather ye round, fer a tale o’ woe from the tumultuous seas of politics! Word be spreadin’ ‘bout the untimely demise of one Ismail Haniyeh, a scallywag of the Hamas ship, who met his end by the sharp blade of misfortune this week. Aye, the mourners be gatherin’ like barnacles on a ship’s hull, weepin’ and wailin’ for their fallen captain.

Meanwhile, across the great ocean, President Biden be raisin’ his spyglass to the horizon, speakin’ with a heart heavy as a treasure chest. He be expressin’ deep concern ‘bout the chaos brewin’ in those perilous waters, callin’ on the fierce crew of Israel to throw down their cannons and agree to a cease-fire in Gaza. Aye, ‘tis a time when even the fiercest buccaneers must put aside their swords and seek the parley of peace!

So, as the mourners shed their tears like a leaky ship, the world watches with bated breath, hopin’ that calm seas may return to the tumultuous waters where conflict reigns. Let us raise a tankard to peace—because even pirates know when it’s time to put up the Jolly Roger and seek a truce, eh?

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