The Booty Report

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Arrr! A merry gathering of scallywags feasted on 60,000 slices, claimin' the Guinness treasure fer the cruise ship crew!


Avast, ye scallywags! Aye, a fleet of 16 mighty Princess vessels docked with a grand feast, claimin’ the title for the biggest pizza bash ever! From bow to stern, they munched and laughed, makin’ the salty sea jealous of their cheesy delight! Yo ho, pizza be the treasure!

Arrr! A merry gathering of scallywags feasted on 60,000 slices, claimin' the Guinness treasure fer the cruise ship crew!

Ahoy me hearties! Gather ye round as I spin ye a yarn of a grand pizza jamboree upon the high seas! Aye, the brave souls sailin’ aboard Princess Cruises have swashbuckled their way into the record books, munchin' on over 60,000 slices o’ pizza on the fateful day of July 12, 2024. Be it a feast fit for a captain or just a raucous gathering o’ sailors, this motley crew across 16 ships from Alaska to the Caribbean set sail to claim the title for the "World's Largest Pizza Party at Multiple Venues!"

With a staggering 11,445 buccaneers partakein’, the galley prepared more dough than a pirate's treasure haul: 6,500 pounds of dough, 3,400 pounds of flour, 1,400 pounds of pepperoni, and a treasure trove of 2,300 pounds of cheese! Why, that be more cheese than a rat could ever dream of! The famed pizza wizard, Tony Gemignani, lent his culinary prowess to this delicious endeavor, celebratin’ their newfound partnership whilst breakin’ records. It be a celebration of pizza, camaraderie, and a hearty laugh—truly the pirate’s way! So raise ye tankards and toast to Princess Cruises, where the sails be filled with adventures and the plates be filled with pizza aplenty! Arrr!

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