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Arrr, Blinken be sayin’ Maduro’s lost the race, yet he be claimin’ the treasure with nary a map!


Arrr, matey! Secretary of State Antony Blinken be sayin’ ‘tis high time to chart a course fer a new captain in Venezuela, after a scallywag election had more tricks than a parrot in a tavern! Let the discussions set sail, or we be sinkin’ in the briny deep!

Arrr, matey! Gather ye round, fer I be tellin’ ye a tale of a ruckus in the land of Venezuela! Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a fine captain of diplomacy, be proclaiming that a landlubber by the name of Edmundo González Urrutia be the true victor of the presidential race, not that scallywag Nicolás Maduro who claims to have the crown! Ever since the 28th of July, ol’ Maduro has been threatenin’ the good folk and causin’ a right stir.

With a belly full of doubts, many a country be scratchin' their heads over Maduro’s boastin’ of victory, while protests be eruptin’ like a cannon fire! Even the rulers of Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico be tryin’ to reason with him to show the vote tallies, lest he be caught in his own sea of lies.

But, alas, the National Electoral Council, full of Maduro’s mates, declared he be the winner, much to the disbelief of Blinken and the brave opposition! The streets be filled with angry sailors—err, citizens—demandin’ justice, while Blinken be callin' fer the powers that be to protect the righteous and facilitate a peaceful transition. Aye, the winds of change be blowin’, and it’s high time for a new course in Venezuela!

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