The Booty Report

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Arrr, we be havin’ an assassin, a hacker, some dubious scallywags, and a motley crew in this Russian swap!


Arrr, matey! A scallywag hitman, a crafty hacker, a dealer o' fine cannons, and a gaggle o' sneaky spies be part o' eight rogues Russia be huntin'! In a grand ol’ swap, 24 souls sailed free, like treasure on the high seas! Avast, what a merry hullabaloo!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of treachery and trade on the high seas o' diplomacy! In a grand swap o' miscreants, Russia begetteth eight scallywags back from the clutches o' foreign dungeons, in a deal fit for a king—twenty-four rogues released, savvy?

Among them be the nefarious hit man Vadim Krasikov, known as Vadim Sokolov, who took out a Chechen commander in cold blood, aye! Then there be Roman Seleznev, who plundered the treasure o’ 500 U.S. businesses with naught but a wicked hackin’ scheme! Arrr, and Vadim Konoshchenok, the traitor, who supplied the Russian fleet with Yankee electronics, caught quicker than a fish on a hook!

But fear not, for the gallant U.S. hath freed four brave souls from Russian captivity, including the plucky reporter Evan Gershkovich, who penned tales of woe from behind bars. President Biden hailed this exchange as a grand feat o' diplomacy, though some landlubbers worry 'tis a slippery slope, sending a dangerous message to the scurvy dogs in Moscow!

So, me hearties, let us raise a tankard to the tangled web of international intrigue, where rogues and heroes dance a merry jig upon the waves o' fate! Yarrr!

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