The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A Russian landlubber claims he be swapped like a doubloon, against his own will, savvy?"


Arrr, Ilya Yashin, that scallywag of a politician, be sayin’ he cherishes his freedom like a fine rum! But to his jailers, he be shoutin’, “Keep yer exile, mateys! I’d rather rot in this brig than sail away from me homeland!” Aye, what a pickle he be in!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be spinnin' ye a yarn about a scallywag named Ilya Yashin, a bold captain of the opposition crew! This fine lad, known for bein' a thorn in the side of the high-born gentry, be singin' a tune of gratitude fer his freedom, aye! But lo and behold, he be makin' it known to his jailers that he’d rather be swimmin’ with the fishes than sailin' off into exile on the high seas!

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