The Booty Report

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Arrr! Philly’s captain be spillin’ the beans ‘bout Kamala’s first mate, makin’ the crew wonder who’ll sail with her!


Arrr! A missive from the Mayor of Philly be hintin’ that Governor Josh Shapiro be the fair Kamala Harris’s matey in the upcoming treasure hunt for the White House! Avast, who knew politics be a game of musical chairs on the high seas o' governance?

Arrr matey! Gather 'round for a tale of political shenanigans on the high seas of social media! The fair city of Philadelphia be abuzz with gossip after Mayor Cherelle Parker dropped a video that had landlubbers wonderin' if Gov. Josh Shapiro be the new matey for Vice President Kamala Harris. Aye, she did declare her support for both the lass and her governor, causin' a ruckus fit for a tavern brawl!

"I can't be thinkin' of a better partner than our governor," she proclaimed, and with that, the rumor mill be churnin’ like a stormy sea, with whispers of a leaked secret. Aye, but fear not! A source close to Parker said it be all part of a grand endorsement scheme, not an accidental slip o' the tongue.

Shapiro finds himself in a right pickle, bein' considered for Harris' crew along with other swabs like Sen. Mark Kelly and Govs. Tim Walz and Andy Beshear. The campaign be keepin' their lips sealed tighter than a treasure chest, but the winds be blowin' toward a reveal soon, as they set sail on a four-day tour startin' in the very heart of Philly! So, hoist yer flags and prepare for more political pirate antics, me hearties!

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