The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Biden be tradin’ prisoners like gold doubloons, leavin’ the next captain in a stormy sea of trouble!


Arrr, matey! Captain Biden be cuttin' loose some fine souls from Davy Jones' locker, includin' a scribe from the Wall Street Journal! But what be the next trick? This grand exchange might have ol' Putin plunderin' more hostages! Avast, the seas be treacherous!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather round fer a tale of treachery on the high seas of diplomacy! The Biden crew be celebratin' a grand success, havin' freed Western hostages from the clutches of the dastardly Russians. But like any good pirate knows, every treasure comes at a price! By tossin' Russian spies and scallywags into the deal, the White House be riskin' a rise in hostage takin' by those nefarious authoritarian scoundrels.

In this mighty exchange, no less than 24 souls from eight different lands be freed! The likes of former Marine Paul Whelan and Wall Street Journal scribe Evan Gershkovich were liberated from false charges, alongside a few German lads and some Russian dissidents who be stirrin’ the pot against the Kremlin. A monumental feat, ye say? Aye, but at what cost!

In this risky trade, the US let slip a fearsome FSB hitman named Vadim Krasikov, a real danger to society, while the Kremlin added to their treasure chest of spies. The clever Russian bear be playin' a shrewd game, and ol' Biden might’ve dropped anchor in murky waters, breakin' the sacred rule of not payin' fer hostages! The danger be clear: this trade may well inspire more hostage-takin' mischief in the future!

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