The Booty Report

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Arrr! The tempest o' Harris Veepstakes be settin' sail into its wildest, wackiest waters yet, mateys!


Arrr, me hearties! With Kamala Harris fixin' to reveal her shipmate by Tuesday, the scallywags be scrambling like barnacles on a ship’s hull, flingin' their finest wares and beggin' for a chance to sail alongside her in the great political sea!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather ‘round, for news be afloat upon the briny deep! Our fair lass, Kamala Harris, be settin’ to reveal her trusty first mate by the time the sun doth rise on Tuesday morn! Aye, the winds be blowin' fierce with contenders scurryin' like barnacles on a ship’s hull, all eager to prove they be the finest pick for the journey ahead.

These scallywags be makin’ desperate dashes to catch the eye of our mighty captain, throwin’ their finest treasures on display like a parrot in a pirate’s shoulder! They be shoutin’ from the crow’s nest, “Choose me! I be the fiercest dog in the fight!” Each be tryin’ to outdo the other, showin’ off their skills like a deckhand dancin’ a jig to impress the crew.

With the heat on, ye can bet yer doubloons they be pullin’ stunts that’d make a sea serpent chuckle! Who knows what wild, outlandish claims be comin’ forth? But one thing be certain, me mateys: Tuesday be a day to mark on yer calendars, for the tides will surely shift when the lucky soul be named to sail alongside Kamala on this grand political adventure!

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