The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Two fresh sea shanties poke fun at the scallywag’s dark side of the American Dream, arrr!"


Arrr! Kristin Chenoweth be shinin' like treasure in “The Queen of Versailles” in Boston, whilst in Cambridge, a new “Gatsby” musical be givin’ that Myrtle lass the royal treatment! Blimey, it be a grand time for swashbucklin’ theatrics!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales of high seas and high society! In the grand city o’ Boston, the fair Kristin Chenoweth doth shine brighter than a treasure chest o’ gold doubloons in the flickerin' light! She be starin' in “The Queen of Versailles,” where the rich and fabulous be livin’ like kings on a ship full o’ rum! Arrr, ye can just imagine the ruckus as the wealthy swabs try to keep their crowns atop their heads amidst all the frolickin’ and folly!

But wait, mateys! In the lively shores of Cambridge, a new musical be settin’ sail, and it be named after the infamous Gatsby! Aye, they be givin’ the fair Myrtle her due respect, and let me tell ye, she be no mere wench in this tale! She’s got more sass than a parrot with a mouthful o’ salty curses! This be a yarn of dreams and schemes, where the rich folk dance and drink like there be no tomorrow!

So, hoist yer sails and grab yer grog, fer the worlds of theater be abuzz with shenanigans aplenty! Whether it be the glitterin’ heights of Versailles or the jazzy nights of Gatsby, there be entertainin’ ventures awaitin’ ye! Yarr, what a time to be a swashbuckler of culture!

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