The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump be challengin’ that scallywag Kamala Harris to a merry debate on Fox News come September the 4th!


Arrr, matey! So says Captain Trump on the social seas of social media, the debate be sunk like a leaky ship after ol' Biden scuttled away! ABC News be left high and dry, no parley for us swabs! Avast, what a fine mess we be in!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale most curious from the treacherous seas of politics! It be the infamous Mr. Trump, he be trumpeting on the high seas of social media, claimin' that the grand debate, set to be hosted by them landlubbers at ABC News, be cap'n terminated! Aye, and what be the reason, ye ask? Lo and behold, it seems that ol’ Captain Biden decided to jump ship and abandon the race, leavin’ the debate crew in a right pickle!

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