The Booty Report

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Why be it we no longer trust the landlubbers in power, matey? They be scallywags, I tell ye!


Arrr, matey! It be startling news from the seven seas! A mere 2% o’ landlubbers reckon the government be makin’ wise choices, and trust in those scallywag elected officials be sinkin’ faster than a ship with a hole in its hull! Avast, what folly be this!

Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout the fickle fate of trust in the realm o’ government. Back in the fair year of 1958, a hearty 75% of scallywags believed that the federal crew would always hoist the Jolly Roger of righteousness. But, lo and behold, by 2023, that faith has sunk to a mere 16%! Aye, only 2% reckon their leaders be makin’ the right call consistently. What be the cause, ye ask? The landlubbers in charge refuse to own up to their missteps!

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