The Booty Report

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Arrr, how might the scallywag Maduro's rule in Venezuela meet Davy Jones, eh? Aye, let the winds of change blow!


Arrr, me hearties! History be a fickle mistress, eh? When the scallywags in uniform turn traitor, even the mightiest captains like Maduro be walkin' the plank! What say ye, will he sail smooth or sink like a ship full o' rum?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as we spin a yarn about the scallywag known as Nicolás Maduro, the captain of the leaky ship called Venezuela! History be a sea of lessons, and one be as clear as the North Star—when the crew of the security forces turns against their captain, the ship be bound for Davy Jones' locker!

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