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Arrr, it be fifteen long days since Kamala Harris set sail for a press confab, matey! Where be the rum?


Arrr, me hearties! It be said that Vice President Kamala Harris be as elusive as a ship in a fog! No formal parley with the press since Captain Biden called it quits on his quest for treasure! Methinks she be hidin’ the rum ‘neath the deck!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather ‘round as I regale ye with the curious tale of Vice President Kamala Harris, who’s been as scarce as treasure on a deserted isle! ‘Tis been a fortnight and a day since she last faced the press, claimin’ her rightful place as the presumptive Democratic captain o’ the ship after President Biden set sail for calmer waters.

Now, our fair Kamala hath been busy flappin’ her gums at various gatherings and makin’ the rounds, but a proper press conference? Nay! Even as the winds of politics blow strong, she skipped the National Association of Black Journalists shindig, leavin’ the stage clear for ol' Trump to steal the show with a fiery exchange. Aye, she did greet freed captives at Joint Base Andrews, but where’s the hearty banter with the press?

Critics be askin’ the same question, wonderin’ if she’s followin’ the playbook of her fellow pirate, Biden, who hid in his “basement” during the last election. Some savvy souls reckon she’s dodgin’ tough questions like a scallywag in a storm! With the Democratic National Convention loom’n like a kraken, we be left wonderin’ if she’ll finally face the music and engage in a proper parley with the press before her ship sails into those treacherous waters come November.

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