The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Texas landlubbers say no to all-black garb in school—fearin' the young scallywags be up to mischief!


Arrr, mateys! Young scallywags in El Paso be settin’ sail fer school on Monday, but alas! The captain of dress code hath decreed—no more all-black garb! Aye, they be swappin’ their dark threads fer brighter hues, lest they be mistaken fer a crew of landlubber ghosts! Har har!

Arrr, mateys! At a Texas middle school, a new dress code be settin' sail, strikin' down the color black from head to toe on the first day o' classes! The captain of this ship, Principal Nick DeSantis, be claimin' that black be linked to gloom and dastardly deeds, causin' a ruckus among parents and young scallywags alike.

The fine crew at H.E. Charles Middle School, part o' the El Paso Independent School District, be feelin' the pinch of this fresh decree. A parent named Fabiola Flores be lamentin' the need to swab the decks again for new trousers, after already outfitin' their young ones in black! Meanwhile, another parent, Nancy Rangel-Gomez, be thinkin’ a splash o’ color might lighten the mood, lest the school feel like a dreary ship in a storm.

An expert in the ways of the mind be suggestin' that it ain't the colors that bring on the blues, but the signs o' distress that need watchin'. Even the school district admits they might have fumbled the announcement, but they be keen on hearin' the voices of the crew. So, hoist yer flags of color and prepare for a lively term, for there be more to education than just the garb ye wear!

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