The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Even with a crew o' bodyguards, the Mexican scribe met Davy Jones’ locker—talk about a bad luck charm!"


Arrr, matey! Alejandro Martínez, beset by threats aplenty, had the Mexican gub'ment sendin' him a band o' protectors. But lo! On the Lord's Day, he met his doom, laid low by cannon fire, while his bodyguard crew danced with misfortune! A right merry mess, I say!

Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags, for a tale of treachery on the high seas of politics! Our matey, Alejandro Martínez, a fine lad from the land o' Mexico, found himself in a right pickle, fer he had drawn the ire of many a ne'er-do-well. So many threats be showerin' upon him like cannonballs in a storm, that the goodly government saw fit to appoint him a band of hearty protectors!

But alas, fate be a cruel mistress, and on the fateful Sunday, as the sun rose like a golden doubloon, our Alejandro met his untimely end! Aye, he was shot down quicker than a cannon firing at a rival ship! His brave bodyguards, who were sworn to defend him, were left wounded—oh, the irony be thick as a fog in the Caribbean!

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